Bidvertiser accepts most major debit and credit cards, as well as Paypal, funding is automatic, so when you run out funds, new funds will be taken meaning no interruption in the service.
The first time you fund your account there's normally an Alert message available, however the more regular option is available via the Manage Funds tab. Simply click on the Add Funds option. There's also the possibility of clicking in the top info bar where it states Add Funds in red.
Minimum funding is $100, as you can see from the drop down option you now see. Select the amount you wish to add, then select your payment type, and fill in the details accordingly.
Please note, new credit cards will need to be verified by our security team, and the funds will not be added into your account until this has been completed. This is to help prevent credit card fraud. In some cases we will request verification of the credit card.
Once funds are added, it can sometimes take a little while for it to be correctly registered in our system, and your ads to start/resume.
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