Welcome to BidVertiser! In order to start placing BidVertiser ads on your site you'll first need to sign up, you have a few options. From our home page you can use the Monetize your Traffic button on the Home page (you'll need to scroll down a little).
You can also go to the PUBLISHER page and click on the Monetize your Traffic button.
Details and activation
First you will need to give us your basic info and complete the signup, the activation code will be sent to you (do not close the signup page), just insert it and agree to the terms of conditions.
Website details
After clicking continue you will be taken to register your site on our network. Please give the name you want for the site, the domain (i.e. www.mywebsite.com), choose the primary language the site is written in, and the category and sub category that best suits the sites content. Each website is allowed to choose only one category, unless serving millions of page views per month, if this is the case for you, please contact us directly via the support system.
Phone verification
Please enter your phone details, and push submit, you should receive a phone call and a text message. Please enter the code you received and your approval should go through.
Your account is now ready to go, it's time to start monetizing your website.
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